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Summer recitals at Troldhaugen

Choose between Single Tickets or the All-inclusive Tickets


Where Troldhaugen

From 11 June to 15 September

In Bergen this summer? Join one of the popular summer recitals at Troldhaugen!

Please note: Buy online in advance, to make sure you get tickets!

Buy ticket

Welcome to summer recitals in Troldsalen from Tuesday to Sunday, running from June 11th to September 15th.

Weekday times: 13:00 and 17:00

Weekend times: 13:00 and 15:00

Grieg's pieces will be performed by a generation of young artist, who bring their unique passion and creativity to Grieg's classic pieces.

The concerts last for half an hour.

All-in-one ticket: Recital + bus + art!

This year, experiencing the music at Troldhaugen, in combination with art, is easy.

We offer an all-in-one ticket that includes a bus to Troldhaugen, recital ticket with museum entry, and entry to Kode art museums on the same day.


All-inclusive Full Day Ticket: including recital + bus transport to and from Bergen city center + entry to Kode art museums: 550,- for adults and 250,- for children.

Single ticket for the recital: NOK 250,- for adults and NOK 50,- for children. For groups, the price is reduced to NOK 230,- per person.

Note that single tickets are only valid for the selected recital. If you also wish to visit Grieg's villa or any of our other art museums, you must add an entry ticket.

Buy tickets

Select from single tickets or our all-inclusive tickets.

Recital times

Recitals Tuesday-Friday: at 13:00 and at 17:00.

Recitals Saturday-Sunday: at 13:00 and at 15:00.

Duration: 30 minutes.

For those choosing tickets with bus transportation:

In June and September: Departure from Bergen city center, outside Rasmus Meyer allé 7, the bus leaves at 11:00 and returns around 14:00. This applies to both weekdays and weekends.

In July and August, Tuesday-Friday: There are two departures available. The first departure is at 11:00 with return at 14:00. The second departure is at 15:00 with return at 18:00.

In July and August, Saturday-Sunday: There are also two departures available. The first departure is at 11:00 with return at 14:00. The second departure is at 13:00 with return at 16:00.

Practial information

Tickets are non-refundable.

Please note that Troldhaugen is closed on Mondays.

We reserve the right to changes in the program.

En omviser inne i villaen på Troldhaugen, ved flygelet

Foto: Thor Brødreskift

En gruppe mennesker i kafeen på Troldhaugen

Foto: Thor Brødreskift

En mann sitter foran et maleri av Edvard Munch

Foto: Dag Fosse / Kode

To personer står foran et fargerikt portrett av Rolf Stenersen, som henger på en lys ferskerosa vegg

Foto: Dag Fosse / Kode

Vi ser Lysverket i bakgrunnen av Lille Lungegårdsvann, badet i sol

Foto: Thor Brødreskift

Planning a visit on your own to Troldhaugen?

Opening hours, transport and more

See also


11 - 16. June:
Jørn Skauge

18 - 23. June: Idun Økland

25 - 30. June: Elisabeth Holmegaard Nielsen

2 - 7. July: Sigmund Toppe

9 - 14. July: Joachim Engeli

16 - 21. July: Oda Voltersvik

23 - 28. July: Martha Berit Belt

30. June - 4. August: Oskar Abel Valand Halvorsen

6 - 11. August: Tore Bordal

13 - 18. August: Kei Solvang

20 - 25. August: Thormod Rønning Kvam

27. August - 1. September: Fabrice Vestad

3 - 8. September: Marina Matsuoka

10 - 15. September: Martim Almeida

Read more about the pianists